Tree Pollen Season
Tree pollen kicks off allergy season. March, April and May are typically the worst months for tree pollen allergies, but trees can begin producing pollen as early as January in the South and continue through June.
Poof. You’re engulfed in a yellowish haze. Your eyes, nose and throat are instantly irritated. A warm, windy day can cause trees to release a burst of pollen that feels like a bomb has gone off, aggravating seasonal allergies and hay fever symptoms.
Pollen bombs occur when groups of trees each release millions of grains of pollen in a short time. A strong gust of wind can stir up enough pollen to look like smoke from a bomb explosion or create a thick haze of dust. The more trees in your area, the more pollen and the worse your allergy symptoms may be.
An unusually long winter followed by an extremely windy, dry and hot day in early spring can be a recipe for an explosion of pollen — either from pollen blowing through the area or “bomb” effect when trees release the allergen all at once, irritating your eyes, nose and throat.
More than 50 million American suffer from seasonal allergies . While pollen bombs come primarily from trees in early spring, pollen season from trees, grass and weeds can last into the first frost of fall. For people allergic to more than one plant pollen , everyday activities such as going for a walk, playing outside with your kids, driving to work and gardening with allergies can be a nightmare for most of the year.
Rainy, cold, windless conditions produce less pollen because the allergen cannot circulate. Pollen travels more in warm, dry and windy weather. Pollen levels can abruptly change with the weather. Freezing temperatures can completely halt pollen production, while warm weather produces more.
Begin treatment for pollen allergies as soon as symptoms strike. Claritin® products are available in 24-hour formulations so you can take them during the day and still feel relief all through the night. Other tips include:
● Learning which trees you’re allergic to through allergy testing and avoid areas where they’re common
● Avoiding areas with freshly cut grass
● Avoiding outdoor activities before 10 a.m. when pollen levels are highest
● Closing windows and using air conditioners
● Taking a shower before bed to wash away pollen
● Checking the weather and following local pollen count reports
Pollen Allergy. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Accessed on March 26, 2020.
Prepping for Allergy Season Starts Now. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed on March 26, 2020.
Tips to Combat Grass Pollen Season. Family Allergy & Asthma. Accessed March 26, 2020.
Ragweed Allergy. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Accessed March 26, 2020.