Pollen Forecast 07981 :

Pollen Forecast 07981 :


Why do we need DiversiTree?

Today, all types of allergies affect over 30% of adults and 40% of kids in the US. According to a study in 2012, pollen levels are expected to double by 2040. Pollen-producing male trees – they’re all around us. Many parks and backyards are surrounded by pollen-laden male-only trees based on the recommendation of a 1949 USDA report that they should be planted instead of female trees, which give off no pollen. but more female trees can make a better outside for all.


AAFA’s Allergy Capitals Report

More than 100 million people in the United States live with various types of allergies every year. Many of them have seasonal pollen allergies. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America’s (AAFA) yearly Allergy Capitals report explores how challenging it is to live with seasonal allergies in the top 100 most-populated U.S. metropolitan areas.

​AAFA’s 2024 Allergy Capitals report, made possible with financial support from Bayer Claritin®, looks at the factors impacting seasonal allergies – including climate change, botanical sexism and their effect on pollen counts.



Pollen research study

In partnership with Cornell University, we commissioned the first-of-its-kind research study to learn more about the future impact of planting low pollen-producing trees. View the video below to learn more. ​

Meet the female tree

Planting female trees will help balance pollen
levels as they don't produce pollen and they
receive pollen that is released by male trees.

Leaf animation

The first female forest

Claritin® commits to helping restore the botanical balance one female tree at a time. We're getting started by funding the planting of the first female forest in Forest Hill Park in Richmond Virginia, one of the worst US cities for allergies in 2022.  Reducing pollen levels one female tree at a time.

Join the fight for DiversiTree

Every female tree helps remove pollen from their male counterparts.

Juniper tree


Red maple tree

Red Maple

Gingko tree
