Pollen Forecast 07981 :

Pollen Forecast 07981 :


What Are Airborne Allergies?

Airborne allergens fall into four categories: pet dander, dust mites , mold spores, and pollen from grass, trees, weeds and flowers.

These different types of allergy -causing particles are so small and light that they travel easily through the air and stick to your clothes, skin and hair. Allergy sufferers are often allergic to multiple allergens, although some people are allergic to just one allergen , such as cat dander or ragweed.


Icon of glass blades


Not all grass species cause allergic reactions. Unfortunately, grasses that are highly allergenic are common on lawns and in fields. They include:

  • Bermuda
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Orchard
  • Timothy
  • Ryegrass

Grass Pollen Tip
Keep your lawn cut short to help prevent grass from flowering and releasing pollen .

Icon of a cat and a dog


The proteins in an animal’s skin flakes, saliva and urine trigger allergies. Animal with fur or feathers can produce these allergens, but the most common are species people tend to keep as pets, such as:

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Rabbits
  • Mice, gerbils and guinea pigs
  • Birds

Pet Dander Tip
Being exposed to pets at an early age may help you avoid pet allergies.

Icon of mold spores


Mold can be found indoors or out. It grows anywhere it has moisture, air and organic compounds to eat. It spreads by releasing fine spores into the air that trigger allergies. Common types of allergenic mold include:

  • Alternaria: Thrives on wood, plants and vegetation
  • Aspergillus: Common in compost piles and decaying leaves
  • Cladosporium: Grows on soil and decaying organic matter
  • Penicillium: Thrives on old food and decaying vegetation

Mold Spores Tip
Use mold -killing cleaners regularly in damp rooms such as laundry rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and basements.

Icon of a dust cloud


Dust allergies are caused by microscopic spider-like mites that eat dead skin flakes. They are present in almost every home and are harmless — unless, of course, you are allergic. There are two common species in America:

  • North American house dust mite
  • European house dust mite

Dust Mites Tip
Dust mites “drink” by absorbing moisture through their skin. Keeping your home’s humidity low will reduce their numbers.

Icon of weed pollen


Weed pollen — particularly ragweed pollen — is considered the most allergenic of all plant pollens. Weeds are everywhere, and wind can carry their pollen for hundreds of miles. Here are some of the most common allergenic weeds:

  • Ragweed
  • Pigweed/tumbleweed
  • Nettle
  • English plantain
  • Cocklebur
  • Lamb’s quarters
  • Sagebrush

Weed Pollen Tip
Removing weeds in your yard helps, but weed pollen is everywhere. Monitor pollen forecasts before going out.

Icon of weed pollen


Many common types of trees reproduce by releasing vast quantities of pollen into the air. Just like with weeds, it can be next to impossible to escape a tree pollen allergy . Stay indoors and keep windows closed when the pollen forecast is high. Common allergenic trees include:

  • Elm
  • Pine
  • Hickory
  • Oak
  • Cypress
  • Pecan
  • Mountain cedar
  • Maple

Tree Pollen Tip
Replace allergy -causing trees on your property with fruit trees that rely on insects for pollination.

Relieve Your Allergy Symptoms with Claritin®

Claritin provides allergy relief in a variety of forms and flavors. Get much-needed relief from your runny nose, itchy eyes and other troublesome allergy symptoms. Use as directed.


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Information provided by Pollen.com